July 30, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Chancellor's Building TV July 30, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions We invited staff and students to tell us whether they thought mental health was a difficult topic for conversation in medicine.
July 27, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions #convforchange July 27, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Post-it note bombing Edinburgh.
July 15, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Beyond the Veil July 15, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Sandra and Janet talked to Nasim and Aisha, on Radio Ramadan's Beyond the Veil show.
June 28, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions The Yellow Bench June 28, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions An afternoon at the Yellow Bench cafe in Pilrig. We took it in turns to sit on their bench and be 'open to conversation'.
June 4, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions The Garden Parties June 4, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Garden Parties in the Secret Courtyard during Hidden Door arts festival.
May 11, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Meadows Poll May 11, 2015 Pam van de Brug Interventions Thinking, that by Friday afternoon, the public would probably be missing campaigns and the chance to vote, we headed out to the Meadows to conduct our own poll. The votes have now been counted and we can now announce the results.