
Conversations for Change resources have been created so that anyone can learn more, share it with others and even recreate the work. They are free to download and use. Please get in touch for high resolution copies for print.


the story

The Story document offers an overview of the work, telling the story of what happened and who was involved. You can download it, print it out or email it to others.


the guidelines

The Guidelines document offers an insight in to the processes developed and used by the Creative Team to create the public interventions stage of the work. They end with suggestions for recreating specific interventions. You can download it, print it out or email it to others.


Platform 2 Film

A 7 minute film showing the final intervention at Edinburgh Waverley Train Station and interviews with the Creative Team. Invite a group of people to watch together, or play on a continuous loop as part of a display. You can download it or watch it online.

Materials: A screen, or projector. The film is 7 minutes long and is also available with subtitles.

How to: Test the file on your equipment in plenty of time before your planned screening. If it is not in the correct format, you will need to convert it or ask someone to convert it for you. 

Tip: Print out some information about your project and ‘Support Lines’ for mental health like the ones at the bottom of this page. After the screening people may join in a conversation afterwards about their thoughts on the question.



A 3 minute moving graphic of the question - ‘Is mental health a difficult topic for everyday conversation?’, asked to different people and in various languages. This film is likely not suitable for a seated screening as it displays only text and has no sound. It can be thought provoking if played in the background somewhere on a loop, where people are passing by or waiting. You can download it or watch it online.

Materials: A screen, or projector. As there is no sound then you don’t need speakers.

How to: Test the file on your equipment before you plan to screen it. If it is not in the correct format you will need to convert it or ask someone to convert it for you. Play on a loop.

Tip: Print out some information about your project and ‘Support Lines’ for mental health like the ones at the bottom of this page.


The purpose of these documents is to continue the work of Conversations for Change. It hopes to inform, guide and inspire, groups and individuals who may like to learn more about the work, share it with others or undertake something similar.

Permission is given for these resources to be copied and distributed in any medium and format. Permission is given to take inspiration from, to recreate, adapt and build upon, any aspects of the work outlined in them. 

However, you must not reproduce the work in full, nor claim ownership of the idea, or any material created by the project, and you should credit the original project as appropriate. You must not brand your work or event as a Conversations for Change work without prior permission, and you cannot use the logo. The work can only be branded and the logo used by work delivered by it’s creator, or by prior permission of it’s creator. 

For further information contact