We are taking a short recess while we consider our next move. (Although we do have one more intervention planned). Over the next few weeks we'll be reflecting on everything we have done since embarking on our mission, and meeting to plan what will hopefully be our biggest intervention yet.
The Creative Team formed in January, we all have experience of mental health issues, we share a passion for the arts, a love of Edinburgh, and a desire to make work which helps and inspires people in our city. We've had people join and leave the team at different points, some have joined just for a particular intervention, and some contribute by email. We've had help from organisations and businesses, and great support from CAPs and See Me.
Since January we've been developing our themes and testing our ideas and we now have an innovative, meaningful and limitless working method. To date we have spoken directly with 687 people in everyday places and situations. We have often pushed our own boundaries, and gone outside our comfort zones. We've had many unique conversations on what can be quite a complex topic for everyday conversation.
To see where we have been have a look at All Conversations.
Over the next few weeks we'll be pushing ourselves creatively, bearing in mind our over all mission. We hope to see you, or that you'll see us, soon.
Be Right Back...